Combined Indexing and Search Engine
OMNES Search enables you to quickly find any type of data content, the results being made available to the user through the search web interface. OMNES Search includes a fast, automated Massive Ingestion process which feeds in the digital content for your data store.

Its search engine, with machine learning, enables the user to get more rapid and value-added search results. This is achieved with a search algorithm that integrates metadata and full-text indexing.

OMNES Search is unique, in that it can search on structured and unstructured data. It can ingest data and then immediately search without metadata and find any data form, down to word level. Curation can then be carried out afterwards, as required.

For OMNES Search, each word is an index. It can search multiple files at the same time and show the location of that piece of searched data. Most other systems are not able to do this.

OMNES Search provides extensive statistical reports, for example, to analyse system usage, and these reports can be customised. This capability is present in all OMNES products.

The metadata system implements the most common Standards such as Dublin Core, OAIS, ISAD (G) and EAD, to enhance the indexed data content. Metadata can also be implemented through the Web User Interface, enabling users to enhance their data.
OMNES conformS to industry standards
ISAD (G) stands for "General International Standard Archival Description" and it provides guidelines for the description of archival materials. It outlines principles and rules for the creation of consistent and comprehensive descriptions of archival collections, including their content, context, and structure.
The origin of EAD (Encoded Archival Description) dates back to BerkeleyUniversity in California in 1993, with the aim of developing a non-proprietary standard for encoding in digital format research tools such as inventories,summary lists, and indexes using the Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML).
The Open Archival Information System reference model, is a conceptual framework for an archival system dedicated to preserving and maintaining access to digital information over the longterm. It ensures stability and consistency, including terminology.
Dublin core
Dublin Core is an international metadata standard, formally known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, and includes 15 metadata terms. These terms offer expanded cataloging information and improved document indexing for search engine programs.
OMNES conformS to industry standards
Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity (Library of Congress) The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata is the international standard for metadata to support the preservation of digital objects and ensure their long-term usability.
The Open Archival Information System reference model, is a conceptual framework for an archival system dedicated to preserving and maintaining access to digital information over the longterm. It ensures stability and consistency, including terminology.
Dublin core protocol
Dublin core protocol is an international metadata standard, formally known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, and includes 15 metadata terms. These terms offer expanded cataloging information and improved document indexing for search engine programs.
METS schema
Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS). The METS schema is astandard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata regarding objects within a digital library, using the XML schema language, which expresses the hierarchical structure of digital library objects.
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